Energetic Unwinding
Energy & Healing by Kate Croft (RMT)
TMJ, Neck and back pain often have their origin in old injuries. From the time we are born to the time we die, we incur small and large injuries. These injuries are layered on top of each other and restrict blood and lymph flow, nerve conduction, and energy flow. We experience this as muscle tightness, discomfort, pain, weakness and fatigue.
A difficult birth, the many trips and falls as a toddler, the injuring during sports and play as a child or teenage, car accidents and work related injuries all have lasting effects that later show up as neck and back pain.
Energetic unwinding of the spine, joints and muscles is a very gentle form of therapy that intuitively blends cranio-sacral therapy with acupressure and soft tissue work. This therapy is so gentle that it may be used with acute as well as chronic pain. In fact, the sooner the therapy begins, the faster the healing process. No matter how old the injury, even if it occurred during childhood, energetic unwinding can help the body to resolve old issues, resulting in less pain, greater ease of movement, and improved energy and mood.
Energetic unwinding is performed with a light tough, while you are wearing comfortable clothing. Almost immediately you will reach a state of deep relaxation that allows your body to focus fully on healing itself. By the end of the session, you will feel rejuvenated. Each energetic unwinding session continues to work its magic on your body for the next few days. You may be aware of these changes as they unfold.
Energetic unwinding of the spine, joints and muscles is gentle and safe for people of all ages, including pregnant women, infants, children and the elderly who are inherently more sensitivity to touch. ​